
The Song of Songs: A Commentary on the Book of Canticles or The Song of Songs is unavailable, but you can change that!

Murphy offers a representative sounding in the major periods of the Song’s exegetical history. Attention is given to the hermeneutical principles operative in the development of Jewish and Christian exposition. This resource also examines the literary character and structure of the Song, aspects of its composition and style, and its meaning and theological significance. The sum of information...

considers the other to be unrivalled, superlative (2:1–3*); in the waṣfs they exuberantly praise each other’s physical charms (4:1–7*; 5:10–16*; 7:2–7*[1–6*]); and they exchange without embarrassment equally passionate invitations to love-making (1:2–4*, 7–8*; 2:13–14*; 4:8*, 16*; 7:11–12*[10–11*]; 8:14*). There is no sense here of masculine dominance and mere submission or subordination of the female; it is indeed the woman’s voice that resounds most loudly in the poetry,
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